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How Data Fosters Stronger Sales and Marketing Alignment in ABM

Melody Selby
June 22, 2023 5 MIN Blog

A cross-functional partnership between sales and marketing is key to executing an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy that drives revenue impact.  

And yet, alignment between these two teams is often cited as the hardest hurdle to overcome.  

Successful ABM requires understanding your best-fit customers and providing a robust customer experience that secures the most value. Sales and marketing teams need to work together to share buyer insights and information to build more personalized approaches through the entire sales journey. Whether it’s for customer segmentation, targeted messaging, or content personalization, data fosters stronger team alignment.   

Data Collaboration: Bridging the Gap Between Marketing and Sales with Three Sources of Data 

Sales and marketing alignment goes beyond simply using the same tools. Data collaboration is necessary to bridge the gap between the two teams. Let’s look at three key data sources and how they fuel better team collaboration.  

Intent Data

Intent data plays a critical role in account targeting and segmentation, two crucial aspects of ABM. By providing insights into the behavior and preferences of potential buyers, it allows businesses to identify and target high-value accounts more effectively. It also helps uncover which accounts are most likely to convert. 

Understanding the intent of potential buyers can significantly enhance the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. When marketers have a clear understanding of what buyers are interested in, their propensity to buy, and how they are likely to behave, they can craft more targeted and personalized messaging. This not only increases the chances of converting potential buyers into customers but also enhances the overall customer experience by demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of their business concerns. 

For sales, intent data can inform their strategies by providing insights into the needs and preferences of individual accounts. Sales teams can use this data to customize their outreach to target accounts, thereby increasing their chances of success. Leveraging intent data cross-functionally fuels a more cohesive and personalized experience for an audience and helps both teams understand the accounts most likely to convert. 

Account Data

By providing detailed information about the characteristics and behaviors of specific accounts, account data offers invaluable insights into their needs, preferences, and pain points. 

For sales teams, understanding the needs and preferences of individual accounts is crucial for success. When armed with comprehensive account data, sales professionals can tailor their approach to meet the unique needs of each account. This personalized engagement not only increases the chances of closing deals but also enhances the overall customer experience, fostering long-term relationships and customer loyalty. 

Account data also plays a pivotal role in shaping marketing strategies. Marketers can analyze account data to identify common patterns, preferences, and pain points among target accounts. These insights enable marketers to create highly targeted campaigns and content that resonate with the specific needs and interests of their audience. Account data guides marketers in developing compelling value propositions, crafting relevant messaging, and selecting the most effective marketing channels for reaching their target accounts. 

Moreover, account data can inform resource allocation decisions across sales and marketing teams. By understanding which accounts are likely to convert, sales teams can allocate their resources more effectively, focusing their efforts on high-priority accounts with the greatest revenue potential. Similarly, marketing teams can align their budget and campaign efforts to support the sales process and cater to the needs of key accounts. This targeted resource allocation maximizes the return on investment for both sales and marketing efforts, driving revenue growth and optimizing business outcomes. 

Engagement Data  

In ABM, personalization is key. By providing insights into how customers interact with a business across various touch points, engagement data plays a critical role in enabling personalization throughout every stage of the funnel. 

The power of engagement data lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive picture of a customer’s journey. From social media engagement to content syndication to display advertising, engagement data offers a wealth of information on the content that is resonating with your audience that can be used to craft more targeted and personalized messaging. 

Moreover, engagement data can inform sales strategies by providing insights into how individual accounts interact with a business. Sales teams can use this data to tailor their outreach to target accounts, thereby increasing their chances of success. Engagement data fuels a more personalized approach to sales and marketing, leading to more meaningful customer experiences that drive revenue growth.  

Tips for Maintaining Consistent Sales and Marketing Collaboration 

To effectively leverage data for stronger alignment, sales and marketing teams must maintain consistent collaboration. Here are a few tips to stay on track: 

  • Establish Shared Goals and Objectives: Shared goals and objectives can provide a common platform for sales and marketing teams to collaborate. By aligning efforts towards a common goal, both teams can work more effectively and efficiently. 
  • Foster Open Communication: Open communication is crucial for effective collaboration. Encourage regular meetings and discussions between sales and marketing teams to facilitate information sharing and problem-solving. 
  • Integrate Tools: Implementing and integrating tools that allow seamless data sharing and collaboration between sales and marketing teams can significantly enhance their alignment. This includes customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms, and project management tools, among others. Streamlining the use of such tools can improve workflow efficiency and promote better coordination between the two teams. 


Data is the backbone of effective ABM and serves as a catalyst for sales and marketing alignment. The shared view and use of data fosters a more data-driven and collaborative approach, enabling both teams to unlock their full potential and achieve better results.